Here it begins, this little adventure in capturing pictures and sharing them. I've enjoyed taking pictures for many years. It's one of the most thrilling things for me to do - to frame a picture in my head, get the angle just right, and snapping the photo. However, lately, I have wrestled with finding a purpose for taking pictures. I do not want to pour myself into creating a beautiful shot just for it to sit in computer storage. My Dad threw out an idea for doing a summer photography challenge and sharing it on a blog. The initial idea was thrilling but a bit too big for me to start with. I got discouraged, but the idea of using a blog to share pictures stuck with me. So, this evening, I finally decided to just start - not wait for that "perfect" time, but just start. I grabbed my camera, prayed for God to show me the right picture and stepped into the backyard. The sun was setting and everything looked golden. And this is what I saw.

Most of all, when you see this blog, I pray that you see God's creation and love and joy. Those things are what inspire me the most when I am taking the pictures, so I pray that that is what overflows to you when you see them.
All glory to God!
This is beautiful Emily!